V Nizozemí na Border Collie Classic byl moc veselý DJ, o přestávce nám zpíval "My doggy loves jumping, jumping/ my doggy loves agility", tancoval a vůbec. Před závěrečným vyhlašováním výsledků nám pořadatelé rozdali lístečky, na kterých byl text složený na melodii "Thank you for the music" od Abby a věřte tomu nebo ne, vážně po nás chtěli, abychom společně zpívali. Protože zpívám neuvěřitelně falešně, radši písničku jen přepíši.
I'm nothing special, in fact, it's just me and my dog
When we go for walks, we easily get very bored
But here at the Classic, where agility begins
And everyone's cheering when I enter the ring
I'm so grateful and proud
All I want is to sing it out loud
So I say
Thank you for agility, the courses winning
Thanks for all the joy they're bringing
Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty
What would life be?
Without a jump and a judge, what are we?
So I say thank you for agility
For giving it to me
My dog was jumping and bouncing before she could run
I say she is faster than any just running for fun.
And I've often wondered, when I'm at the start
Who found out that nothing can capture a heart
Like my BC can
When running the course, I know I'm a fan
So I say
Thank you for agility, the courses winning
Thanks for all the joy they're bringing
Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty
What would life be?
Without a jump and a judge, what are we?
So I say thank you for agility
For giving it to me
I've been so lucky, a Border came into my life
I want to sing it out to everybody
What a joy, what a life, what a chance!
So I say
Thank you for agility, the courses winning
Thanks for all the joy they're bringing
Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty
What would life be?
Without a jump and a judge, what are we?
So I say thank you for agility
For giving it to me